I figured since I gave you all Chris Ivy's personal bio a few days ago, that it would probably be a good idea to give you Richard Moore's, as well. This was already made public when I was still with Space Goat Fine Arts (and it is where the bulk of the info is coming from), but with a new blog and new start it just makes sense to put it here, too. So, for those who've seen it before, you'll be getting a nice sense of deja vu. For those who haven't seen it before, please do enjoy. And away we go:
"California-born Richard Moore grew up not so much wanting to be an artist as simply feeling compelled to draw. Paper, textbooks, desktops--any flat surface was fair game. Not knowing exactly how to go about making money with his art, Richard focused obsessively on improving his fine art skills, then segued into comics with the publication of titles such as Far West and Deja Vu through Antarctic Press and Radio Comix. Richard has spent the past several years writing and illustrating the indie hit Boneyard (cover art from the series is shown at the left) from NBM Publishing."
And what does the future hold for Richard? The much desired (and much delayed) final issue of Boneyard will be out in a few months, before going on hiatus. There is also the concluding issues to the Fire & Brimstone and Far West: Bad Mojo mini-series, which are to be published by Antarctic Press. Also, some of his past works, which have not been reprinted anywhere else will finally be getting such treatment (the what, where and when, I cannot say right now). Finally, Richard is also hard at work on a children's book, which I will talk more about when more info can be given. So, there will be no shortage of Moore in 2009. In fact, expect lots of big things, both this year and beyond, from this extremely talented creative force.
That's all for now. Tomorrow I will announce the "secret news" I hinted at yesterday. And no, it's not an April Fools joke, either. Until next time, peace out!