Hello, my art loving minions. I have to tell you, I can't remember what Sequential Treasures has been so jam-packed with news and updates, as we have been this week. Inevitably, with a week as big as this one is, something is bound to slip through the cracks, which is exactly what has happened here.
With all that's been going on and coming up, I totally spaced it and fail to mention that Drone #3, from Red5 Comics and featuring the peerless talents of Randy "Rantz" Kintz, hit all the finer comic shops this Wednesday. I wish I could say that was all beyond my control, but I've never been on to lie (although, this might have been easier for me, if Diamond Comics website didn't seem to keep going down as often as a $10.00 hooker at the Democratic National Convention). So, let me try to make amends right now and tell you all to go out and pick up a copy.
This mini-series has been making the rounds with online critics. Here's a couple of recent reviews right here:
"Industry relative newbie artist Randy Kintz (Legend of the Isis) does a well
above-average freshman job of framing the story of Drone. His style is
very angular and straight-lined, but that adds to pulp-like heroics that the
plot revolves around." - Eric from The Pullbox.com
"If you haven’t been reading this series go back and pick up the first two as it's worth
to read." - Brandon Pilley from Omnicomic
As you can see, the good word of mouth about this book is only growing, so make sure to get your copy of what just might be one of the best received mini-series of 2010. Just look for the cover image shown here.
Lastly, I totally failed to notice that this blog's one year anniversary was last week, as well. Boy, time sure does fly, doesn't it? Let me just thank all of you who've stopped by here in the last year and have supported us over that time. It really means a lot to all of us at Sequential Treasures. Hopefully, the best is only yet to come! Until next time, peace out!