Hey there, my art loving readers! Well, another Free Comic Book Day is in the books. I hope you all had a good one, wherever you were. As for us at Sequential Treasures, we had a blast at our little event in Ellensburg!
Things were quite busy for the first couple hour and last couple hours at Central City Comics. Lots of hustle and bustle. Plenty of free comics were given away and the print of our Iron Man vs. War Machine jam piece by Jason Metcalf and Randy Kintz was a winner. Talked with some really nice folks about comics and comic art, too. The best was this seven year-old boy, who seemed to be an artist in his own right. He shown both Jason and Randy his own art portfolio of work (and for only being 7, I was impressed with what he could do). Randy even hooked him up with a free color head sketch of Batman, which was a winner with him. Both Randy and Jason did pretty well selling their own prints, too, but the demand for sketches was pretty light.
Didn't really make much in the way of art sales here, but I didn't really expect to. It was more about handing out my business cards to folks and getting more people to check out the art of Sequential Treasures talents. The canned food drive to the "Friends In the Service of Humanity" raffle was a major success, as more food was donated than could fit into the barrel for holding it. I even gave a few cans of food myself and was a lucky winner of a Showcase Presents: Strange Adventures Vol. 1 TPB, which is pretty cool. all totalled, over 200 people came to the event (which in a small town like Ellensburg is really good numbers). So, thanks to everyone who came out to help the food drive and make the day a success for all parties involved. I'm looking forward to next year's event already! I got some pictures from the event and will be posting them on our Facebook forum in the next few days, so be sure to keep a watch there for that.
Of course, as a result of slow art sales, there is a benefit to all of you. Randy Kintz had done up a few pieces in anticipation of the event, but none of them sold. So, that now gives all of you the chance to grab them up. Just added to the art gallery are pin up pieces featuring the Spirit, Superman, Spider-Woman and the Black Widow (shown here). All of these are fairly low priced, so I expect them not to last every long. If you didn't get any sketches at your own local FCBD event, or if you didn't get out to one at all, here's your chance to get yourself something connected to it. Just
head over to our gallery and choose your piece!
Lastly, in some not so good news, artist Ben Hansen had injured his back a week or so ago. He got an MRI done and it's pretty bad. This is on top of his having recently recovered from some back surgery for a similar problem. It caused him to miss out on doing his FCBD event in Bellingham, as well. So, to help him try to cover the costs this injury is causing him, as well as raise his spirits a bit, I'll be taking 20% off of any piece I have of Ben's in stock right now for the rest of the month. Think of it as an unofficial sale of sorts. Ben is a great guy and a very talented artist, so any help that can be sent his way will be greatly appreciated.
That's all for now, gang. I hope to be back soon with more new art, more news of upcoming events and lots of other good stuff. Until then, peace out!