Hey there, Sequential Treasures fans! Well, Thanksgiving in almost here and we've certainly got a lot more cooking around her at the old H.Q., than just a turkey. We've got new comic releases due out this week from some of our great stable of comic artists.
First up, we have The Outsiders #34 from DC comics. In it Geo-Force comes face to face with the Olympian. Somehow I don't think things will get settled through some sporting events. This issue features the pulse-pounding inks of our own Mick Gray, on top of the pencils of the legendary Keith Giffen! Just look for the cover shown here. Even better, starting with issue #36 of the series, Mick will be the new regular inker for the book (on Giffen's pencils). Very awesome, no? [Edit Update: Mick just informed me that this issue is the only one he will be doing on the book and will not become the regular inker of it. He says, though, that he has some big news for another project, that made this happen, which he'll let me know about soon.]
Lastly, but certainly not least, your blogmaster spaced it last week and forgot to mention that you should pick up a copy of Zombies vs. Cheerleaders #2 from Moonstone Comics, as it has a pin up piece by our own Ben Hansen (who is no strangers to zombies or cheerleaders himself).
So, now that you know all about this great comic goodness that's out there, makes sure to pick up these awesome books and get a dose of Sequential Treasures talented talents! Also, be sure to come by the Sequential Treasures Facebook Forum (the link is in the sidebar to the left) to see the covers to all the issues mentioned here (plus maybe a surprise or two).
That's all for now, but as I said, we have lots of stuff cooking around here, so I'll be back soon with more news and info to delight, dazzle, and dumbfound you all. Until then, peace out!