Hey there, my artistic fiends! Well, ECCC 2011 is now in the books and history. It was a great time by all account and that includes us at Sequential Treasures. After having a couple of days to decompress from things, it's now time to give you our usual post con report.
This year was a bit different for me, as I didn't get out and about at the show like I normally do. I manned the booth most of the show (like shown in the picture here). This enabled me to see a lot of attendees, a few of whom I already knew. Many of whom, though, I did not. I did notice just how many great costumes there were this year. So, I complied a small catalog of the better one and posted those pics on
our Facebook Group. If you are on Facebook, you should check these out (as well as my acerbic attempts at humor on them). Some of these folks really went all out on this.
It was good having Randy Kintz in our booth, as it made the booth feel more of a place to be (which is something I was concerned with, since our booth was on the opposite side of where artist alley was). He sold quite a few prints and did some sketches. A Wonder Woman, Lady Death, Batgirl, and Black Cat were all among the ones he did. But I think my favorite one, was a fun head shot he did of the Joker as a Green Lantern. It was certainly one of the more inventive ones I saw him do.
Speaking of prints, our Transformers jam one did very well and was quite popular with folks. Even ones who stopped by the booth and didn't pick up one, still had nothing but positive comments about it (although, maybe my blasting the Transformers: The Movie soundtrack helped in that, too). I'm certain we'll do another one for next year. I just need to pick the subject matter. Only sold a few pieces of original art, though, but hopefully, with this show growing every year, some of those big spenders will start coming to this one.
While I was at the booth most of the show, I did get out a little each day to get some comics signed and get a few sketches. I noticed that most artists prices are really getting high nowadays. So, I guess if anyone wondered if the recession is over, now you know. Being limited in my funds I didn't get nearly as many sketches as I have in past shows, but I managed to get a few nice pieces by names like Todd Nauck, Erik Larsen, Andy Kuhn and a few others. But if I have to pick my favorite of the show, it's either my Green Lantern by Francisco Herrera or the Spider-Girl by Mike McKone. Both of those were very awesome. But you be the judge and
check them out yourself.
I didn't get to any of the panels, or do much comic shopping (although, I did get a decent grade Incredible Hulk #120 from 1969 for only a few bucks). I guess that's just something I'll have to start planning on for next year, because we will be back next year. I've pre-paid for an artist alley table and will have both Randy Kintz and Ben Hansen there with me again (and perhaps even on either side of my table, if things work out right). So, if you didn't get to the show this year, or if you did and just forgot to stop by, you'll have another shot next year.
Our next appearance event will be for Free Comic Book Day in Ellensburg, WA (in which I'll again have Randy Kintz in tow with me). We had a good time at
Central City Comics last year and they wanted us back again this year. So, if you'll be in the area on that day, make sure to stop in an join in on the fun!
That's all for now, folks. I'll be back soon with more info on things and maybe even an art update or two. Until then, peace out!