Hey, everyone! Well, summertime is officially in full swing! Things are heating up all over, but nowhere more than they are at Sequential Treasures. As those of you in the know already know, when summer hits, so does our annual major summer sale! This year is certainly no different.
So, having talking it over with our various array of talents, here's the break down of who is involved in this year's extravaganza and how low the discounts will go:
Ben Hansen: all current inventory 35% off the listed price!
Randy Kintz: all current inventory 35% off the listed price!
Richard Moore: all current inventory 35% off the listed price!
Matt Haley: all current inventory 40% off the listed price!
Wow, some major league savings on a lot of really great art! And by "all current inventory," we mean ALL of it. Cover, pages, pin-ups, the whole works. If it is on the gallery, it's at those discounted levels. But that's not even the end of it. I've decided to add a small incentive, as any order placed for over $100.00 or more, will also get a special little something from me, as well. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I'm sure those who do so will enjoy it (and this will even be extend to purchases of art by artists not involved in the sale, as well, because I'm just a nice kind of guy that way).
So, when does all this madness begin? Well the sale starts July 1st (at 12:01 a.m. PST) and will run through July 21st (until 11:59 p.m. PST). That's three whole weeks to get in on these massive savings! So, don't delay in getting your orders in. Go to
our art gallery and check out all the great stuff that's available, then place your orders promptly (as I doubt the best stuff will be sticking around very long)! Let Sequential Treasures help you kick off the summer in grand style!
Also, for those interested, Randy Kintz's commission raffle, which I told you about last time, have ended and the winners chosen. The grand prize winner is Jerry Livengood (who is obviously doing
that!)! Congratulations to him! I'll try to be sure to let you all see a picture of what he chose for his commission, as soon as one is available. To get the info on who all the various levels of winners were, you can read that
right here.
Well, that's all for now, but there are still other things brewing in the background at S.T. HQ, which I can't tell you about now, but will later when the time is right. Until then, don't forget to get in on our awesome summertime sale! Peace out!