Well, while Space Goat Fine Arts is no more, it seems that I am not quite finished here yet. Or, as a famous man once said: "Every time I try to get out, they pull me back in!"
So, out of the ashes of Space Goat, Sequential Treasures has been reborn. As before, this space will be here to give you all the lowdown on the artists I'll be repping for. Giving you notice on new art available to buy, shows we will be attending, new works available at you local comic shop and even some other little goodies.
For now, the only artist in my stable is Richard Moore. I hope to change that in time. Until then, I hope you will continue to join me on this journey through the artistic realms of the world of comics! I promise to try and make it a very fun, entertaining and informative ride for you all. Onward and upwards!
James Meeley
Your humble blogmaster and art connection
Congratulations on the comeback! My fiancee bought me some art through you over the holidays and it was a good experience, so.... Best of luck!
Thanks, Braces. I hope I can count on you to join me. And I hope you get much enjoyment from the art you recieved.
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