Hey there, everyone. Your humble blogmaster has returned from his jaunt at Seattle's
Emerald City ComiCon. Sorry for the delay in posting about it, but a good show is like a long flight, in that both will leave you jet-lagged and drained. So, I needed yesterday just to decompress a bit, but now I'm back and ready to roll!
The show was a lot of fun. I saw lots of creators, and even got some
nice goodies for myself and the wife. On the business front, I didn't really sell much art at the show, but then since I was helping out at the
Hero Initiative booth, that isn't all that surprising. Still, I was hoping for more, but maybe next year, when I can have a booth of my own.
My assisting the Hero Initiative was a pleasure on my part. On Saturday, I was given the special task of getting as many creators as I could to sign a Hero Initiative t-shirt, which will now head to San Diego Con for more signatures, before it is raffled off. I got a lot of folks to sign (over 60 in total), including Bruce Timm, Tim Sale, Humberto Ramos, Frank Cho, Brandon Peterson, Patrick Gleason, Amanda Conner, Bob Layton, Paul Smith, Tony DeZuniga, Joe Jusko, Erik Larsen, Jim Valentino and many others. Sunday was more my helping out at the booth. In all, the charity took in almost $5,000.00, which will go to helping many creators who are in need this year. So, a job well done on that front.
As far as what was done for Sequential Treasures, I talked with
Brian Pulido and shown him the art of Richard Moore and Chris Ivy that I had brought with me. I said that if he had anything work-wise they could do, to drop me a line and I'd put him in contact with them. We'll have to see how that goes. And I did get another artist to sign up with me, so that now brings the total to three. I'll do a special blog entry about them very shortly, but I will tell you now that this will be a familiar face, if you bought art from me before. As for the pic shown above, that is yours truly with writer and Space Goat Productions President (aka, my former boss) Shon C. Bury. I'm the one on the left. It was good to see him and hook up after the show for some fun. So, while I didn't accomplish everything I hoped to do, I did make some headway. And there is another show in
Spokane coming at the end of May, which I will have my own booth at. So, if you are going to be there, be sure to stop by. Before then, I expect to have some more new art from Chris Ivy and an update on my new talent. So, keep your eyes peeled and ears open, because things are just starting to get good. More to come later!