Well, I'm back and here to tell you the top secret news I've been hinting at for days. The time for teasing you is done and the time for the big reveal is here. So, here it is:
I will be at the Emerald City ComiCon this weekend. While that may not sound very exciting in and of itself, there is more to it. I won't have my own booth this year, as I did last year. This year I will be helping out the Hero Initiative and will be working their booth there from time-to-time. What's more, I'll be bringing a nice big portfolio with Richard Moore and Chris Ivy's art in it with me, as well as some pre-sketched sketchbooks I had Richard do a few months ago, which will give anyone going to the show access to the art for buying purposes. If you haven't gotten something from us yet, you have an opportunity to do so and save on the shipping costs. Can't beat that, can you?
So, if you are in Seattle this weekend and going to the show, stop by the Hero Initiative booth and say hello. And if I'm not there at that time, be on the lookout for a guy roaming the aisles, with a backpack full of comics for signing and a large art portfolio under his arm, as that will most likely be yours truly. Hope to see some of you there! I'll try to give you all a report of how things go, after the show ends. Maybe I'll even throw in some funny pics of what I see there. Until then, peace out!
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