Hey everyone! Things have really been happening behind the scenes at Sequential Treasures of late. Got some news and info on some of the latest happenings and things yet to come.
First off, I wanted to let you all know that Randy Kintz will be doing a guest appearance (along with many other creative talents) at the Comic Evolution this Saturday. This is conjunction with C.E.'s event to help benefit the March of Dimes. Several artists will be there sketching for donations to the charity, as well as holding an original art auction at the shop (Randy donated a very nice Batman piece for it, himself). So, if you are going to be in the Puyallup, WA area this Saturday, make a note to stop by the store and check out the scene. It's all going to help a very worthwhile cause, after all. You can get all the details on this at the link provided above.
I also got a little bit of a surprise, when in saw that Exfanding Your Horizons did a piece on original comic art collecting, which linked a number of websites and dealers, including your humble blogmaster. What's more, there were even some nice words of praise for me and my efforts. A big thanks to Alex for putting out the good word on us here. It is very much appreciated and was a very welcome surprise!
Then, of course, we have our "Economic Independence" Sale going on, in which the current inventory of everything in stock from Richard Moore, Chris Ivy and Randy Kintz is all 25% off! The response so far has been... well... not what we had hoped. We are currently at about the half way mark, so you still have time to cash-in on the savings, in what might be the only sale we hold this year. You have until 11:59 PM (PST) on the 26th to get in on the discount. Stop by our art gallery and check out what is still in stock. Lots of good stuff is still available and just waiting to find a good home.
Finally, just a quick note to remind you, that if you haven't already, to please vote in our little readers poll to the left. Remember, this is your shot to let your thoughts be known. We are taking the results of this poll very seriously, so the more votes the better, to give information to provide you better quality of service. Let us know what you think.
Well, that's about it for now. I hope to have some more news regarding more appearances by our artists, as well as some new art for sale, in the near future. Until then, peace out!
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