Hey there, original art lovers! Well, with February pretty much a done deal, it means it's almost time for the Emerald City ComiCon in Seattle! As you know, I've been slowly teasing you all with Sequential Treasures plans for the show, but now, with crunch time upon us, I'm going to spill it all for you right here.
First off, we will be found at booth #1007 in the Exhibitors section of the show floor. You can look at their map of it, to see where we are. Put us pretty far away from artist alley, but whatcha gonna do? I hope you all will be willing to make the trek across the show floor to our booth though, as we have lots of cool stuff planned.
To begin, we'll have several of our artists on hand. Randy Kintz will be at our booth all three days, as will Ben Hansen (who'll be floating between our booth and the "Sketch Crew" tables in artist alley, which are table a-15 through 17). Last, but certainly not least, Matt Haley will be at the booth, but only on Saturday, as some work deadlines will only allow him to be at the show for one day. He, also, will be co-hosting the Blackstar Warrior panel on Saturday at 12:00 pm. You can see it on ECCC's programming schedule. They will all be doing sketches, plus Ben and Randy will have prints and sketchbooks with them, many of them new and debuting at this show.
And speaking of prints, there are two exclusive prints that you can only get from the Sequential Treasures booth. One is a War Machine piece by Ben Hansen. The other is a jam piece by Randy Kintz and Ben, featuring the Transformers, to honor the 25th anniversary of the original Transformers: The Movie (back from 1986). You can see images of both of these prints on our Facebook Group (they both are really awesome, if I do say so myself, and I don't expect them to last very long, as supplies will be limited).
There will, of course, be plenty of original art on hand to purchase from our various artists (not just the ones at the show, either). I'll be lugging over 400 pieces of original art for sale, including some pieces that have not been made available on our art gallery as of yet. Anyone at the show will be getting first crack at them. So, get their first and purchase fast, as I know the good stuff will disappear quickly, as it always does.
Lastly, lest you think we are only about ourselves, we have some really great things to show our giving side. First, is that we are taking donations for the HERO Initiative. As they do not have a booth set up at the show this year, Sequential Treasures has decided to "pick up the slack." It is a most worthy cause, to help older creators in their golden years (many of whom did not have a lot of the benefits and rights that creators today have). In addition, anyone making a donation of $10.00 or more will get a an original sketch card piece by Randy Kintz or Ben Hansen. They have graciously offered to help this noble charity, by doing so (but as with most things, supplies of the cards are limited). And, as if this weren't enough, we will also be giving away free comics to any kids who come by the booth (not to worry parents, they will be age appropriate stuff). But, again, this will only happen while supplies last.
Well, there you have it. The outline for our show time plans. Plus, who knows, maybe we'll even squeeze in another surprise or two. So, I trust I can count on all of you who are going to the show to stop by out booth? I thought so. How could you resist such awesomeness? Answer: you can't!
That's it for now. When next you hear from me, it'll probably be our post show report. So, until then, I'll see you at ECCC in Seattle! Peace out!
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