Hey there, everyone. It's certainly a red letter day today, for reasons both good and bad. Let's start off with the good, as your blogmaster is here to give you the lowdown on some new comics coming out this week, which spotlight Sequential Treasures array of talented creators. And this week, we have two offerings for you.
First, is the concluding chapter to the first story arc by the new creative team on DC's Batman and Robin. Batman and Robin #22 will be hitting the shops on Wednesday, featuring the inks of our own Mick Gray (over the pencils of Patrick Gleason). And remember, after this issue, the regular team will be taking a break to get caught up on deadline, but will return on issue #26 or 27. So, don't drop the title just yet, as Mick and the guys are just getting warmed up for their run. Also, stop by our Facebook Group and check out the variant cover image to this issue (done by the great Gene Ha).
Second, we have the release of Richard Moore's Ladies of the Night one-shot from Antarctic Press! This is a pin-up book, featuring Richard doing what the fans love to see him do... draw those beautiful females. But these ones come with a twist, as they will all feature some to give them a "touch of evil." Sounds intriguing, no? Well, make sure to look for the cover image shown here, when you hit your LCS this week.
That was the good news, now here's the bad: On top of the scanner situation, which is no closer to being resolved since last your heard from me, my printer has also now died on me. When it rains, it pours. So sales, which were already extremely important, have become even moreso. This is a full blown, five-alarm call to arms! Now, I'm not one to beg, but I do implore all of you to help out in any way you can. Buying some art from our art gallery is the best way, but just spreading the word to others and directing them to the gallery would be almost as good. We really need some sales rolling in now, or it could be quite some time before you see any new art for sale. And I do have new art to scan and post, but that won't happen, until these very important computer components are replaced. So, please, do everything you can to help resolve this, because without your help, the Sequential Treasures train will be grinding to a halt. And I'm sure that no one wants that to happen, least of all myself.
Well, that's it for now. I hope to be back soon with some positive news on the scanner and printer fronts, as well as some news for our plans for Free Comic Book Day. Until next time, peace out!
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