Hey, everyone! I got some exciting new for you all. If you are planning on being, or will happen to be, in the Spokane, WA area this Saturday, you need to make sure to stop by the Spokane Comicon! Not only is it the only Comicon on the eastern side of Washington state, but your humble blogmaster will be there, pumping the cause that is Sequential Treasures!
Aside from all the comic art I currently have in inventory from our artists, I also have a few "con exclusive" items, which are only available at shows like this. I'll also be handing out free comics to as many kids as I can who attend (got to help that next generation foster the love of comics, right?), too. Of course, I'm not the only reason you should go, because our own Randy "Rantz" Kintz will also be in attendance, as well. Be sure to say hello to the big lug. There are also plenty of other great guests, raffle prizes, tons and tons (quite litterally) of comics and even a costume contest, among the many other fun things to find there.
Just follow the link provided here to find out all the details. Hope to see some of you there. I'll try to provide a report to you on how the show turns out.
Also, just a last minute reminder that, along with the Spokane show, the eBay benefit auctions to help artist Josh Medors will be ending on Saturday, as well. So, for those who can't make the show, use some of the time to put some bids on all the great donated art there. It's all going for a good cause and you'll have a shot at some really cool stuff (including possibly a couple pieces donated by our artists). That's all for now. Until next time, peace out!