Hey, everyone! I got some exciting new for you all. If you are planning on being, or will happen to be, in the Spokane, WA area this Saturday, you need to make sure to stop by the Spokane Comicon! Not only is it the only Comicon on the eastern side of Washington state, but your humble blogmaster will be there, pumping the cause that is Sequential Treasures!
Aside from all the comic art I currently have in inventory from our artists, I also have a few "con exclusive" items, which are only available at shows like this. I'll also be handing out free comics to as many kids as I can who attend (got to help that next generation foster the love of comics, right?), too. Of course, I'm not the only reason you should go, because our own Randy "Rantz" Kintz will also be in attendance, as well. Be sure to say hello to the big lug. There are also plenty of other great guests, raffle prizes, tons and tons (quite litterally) of comics and even a costume contest, among the many other fun things to find there.
Just follow the link provided here to find out all the details. Hope to see some of you there. I'll try to provide a report to you on how the show turns out.
Also, just a last minute reminder that, along with the Spokane show, the eBay benefit auctions to help artist Josh Medors will be ending on Saturday, as well. So, for those who can't make the show, use some of the time to put some bids on all the great donated art there. It's all going for a good cause and you'll have a shot at some really cool stuff (including possibly a couple pieces donated by our artists). That's all for now. Until next time, peace out!
Since you have written in your article, that you will hand out free comics to kids, I´d really like to know, wich books that might be, because in my opinion, , but there are not much Comic Books for kids left out there, and that´s something that makes me really sorry for them! Because nearly all of them are grim and gritty, and for mature readers, and you have to know everything that happend over the last 10 years in chronology, to understand, what happens in the book you read! Oh, and you have to buy three other books, to know how the story goes further! So sometimes I´d really like to give some kids something to read, but then, on the other hand, I don´t know exactly what, because all of them I read, there are simply not for kids!
Best regards,
"Since you have written in your article, that you will hand out free comics to kids, I´d really like to know, wich books that might be, because in my opinion, , but there are not much Comic Books for kids left out there, and that´s something that makes me really sorry for them!"
Yeah, I agree that pretty much any comics from the last 10 years or so, would certainly not fall into what I would call "kid friendly."
As for what I handed out, it was mostly some stuff from the 70's and 80's, which were duplicates I had. Some of the series included Captain America, Fantastic Four, Alf, Super Friends, Superboy and others. I also had a small amount of kid-appropriate comics from Free Comic Book Day this year. So, that's what i was handing out. The kids seemed to enjoy getting the free book, so it was a success, as far as I'm concenred.
It is sad that one has to go to such lengths to try and have material you don't need to worry letting a kid have access to, but if we want to help the next generation have any appreciation for this stuff like we have, it is what we must do. So, I'm doing my part.
Yeah, then you do the same as me! I give them also the old ones, and some Asterix and Spirou too.
And sometimes when we go to the Comic Shop together, it´s very hard to find them something, not only with the right content, but also with DC and Marvel today, it seems like, that every Comic Series is connected with another one, or a new Crossover is just ending, or on its way.
I remember when I was a kid, I could buy Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Flash, whatever, and I needed to know nothing about the last 12 Issues. I could read it, enjoy it, and reread again, just having fun, and today, you have to carry a complete encyclopidia in your head arround with you, to understand most of it!
And if I had the chance to start my own Comic Publishing Company, I would call it: "Where The Dead Stay Dead PUBLISHING", if only to make a statement!
And I`m not one of those guys, who always bickers about, that everything was better back then, but some things where a lot easier!
Best Regards
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