Hello, my faithful followers! It is time once again to give you the scoop on some new comic material soon to be found at your local shop, featuring the talents of one of Sequential Treasures own illustrious talents.
Due out tomorrow is Fire and Brimstone #5 (of 5), from Richard Moore and Antarctic Press. It is the concluding chapter to the mini-series. Given the cliffhanger ending from the last issue, there is sure to be some major happenings in the final issue. Will our favorite duo survive the assassin sent to kill them? Will the demons of Hell finally be rid of their bounty hunting efforts? Will Brimstone finally get a laugh at Fire's expense? Lots of questions that are sure to be revealed here.
This mini-series had been overlooked by many folks, so don't miss out on the opportunity to grab it up. Make sure to be on the look out for the cover image shown here. And don't forget about all the great art by Richard Moore, which I still have available to purchase. Stop by my art gallery and take a stroll through what is in stock.
That's it for now. Keep your eyes peeled, because I will soon have some interesting announcements in the coming weeks for you all right here. Don't miss out on some of the cool things Sequential Treasures has cooking up for all of you. Until next time, peace out!
I love this cover, sexy and hilarious both at the same time. Cool.
Well, that is pretty much Richard Moore's stock-in-trade. Hope to have the art from the issue soon, as well.
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