Hello again, my faithful ones! I'm back to give you some info on some things relating to Sequential Treasures and our incredible artistic talent, as well as something a little more personal concerning your humble blogmaster. Let's start with the talent's stuff...
With the release of the latest edition of the Previews catalog from Diamond Comics Dist., there is a solicit for Randy Kintz's upcoming new mini-series from Red 5 Comics called Drone! I've been dropping hints about this for months, but now you can get the full lowdown on the book. The basic breakdown of the plot is as follows:
"In the near future, the United States transforms warfare by testing lethal remote-controlled robotic drones on the front lines. To the world's other powers, the technology is something to be coveted and stolen. To a group of stateside fun-loving hackers, it is the ultimate video game."
Randy provides both the pencils and inks for this four-issue series, with the story being done by Scott Chitwood. Issue #1 (with the cover shown right here) will be at all finer comic shops this November. So, make sure to get them to order you copy. Heck, get them to order you 10 copies (and then you can give them out for Christmas gifts). Or, you could just buy some of Randy's art that I have in stock. Either one will work.
Now, as to the personal bit regarding yours truly, well, I thought you all might be interested is a little debate I've become involved in over at ICv2.com. It involves the point of content issues with what materials Marvel and DC put into their main comic universes and how some of it is becoming increasingly inappropriate. You should start by reading the original piece here, then move over to the comment that caused me to jump into the fray. It has been quite thought-provoking, I think. Both Bennett and Dudley have made updated comments from the responses they've gotten, while I am carefully thinking on what I want to say. I just thought you all might enjoy a spirited debate between those of us within the industry (even though I'm very much on the fringe of it) and see that some of the issues you folks think about, are also thought about by us. [Update - 8/31/09: My latest response to Mr. Dudley has been put up, so please do check it out.]
That's all for now. Hopefully I'll be back soon with more news and some new art updates. Until then, peace out!