Hey, everybody! It's been a while since I had a new comic work to plug for any of our artists, but that end today.
Out in all finer comic shops today, is the much anticipated (and often delayed) final issue of Boneyard! That's right, comic lovers, Boneyard #28 has come out from NBM Publishing today. We'll at last get to see the outcome of where Paris and the crew end up in their battle with the Faerie World. I know Richard has virtually slaved himself over this issue, trying to make it a fitting conclusion for the fans, so make sure to pick up a copy today.
Sadly, this does mark the end for the series, at least for now, as Richard moves on with other projects. But, hopefully, this will not be the last we see of the Boneyard gang. Until then, there are other works from Richard coming up soon, which I'll be sure to plug right here.
That's all for now. I hope to be back soon with more info on upcoming projects from Sequential Treasures roster of talent, as well as an new update of comic art for sale from Richard. Until next time, peace out!
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