Hey everyone! It's your humble blogmaster once again, here to continue to give you the lowdown on all the excitement we here at Sequential Treasures have planned to bring to your summer of 2009!
Today, I need to tell those of you planning to head off the Wizard World Chicago this weekend, that Sequential Treasures own Randy "Rantz" Kintz will be one of the artists on hand for the show. He'll be found at table 5108 in artists alley. And he's brought along some new and exclusive goodies just for this show, including some full-color prints and sketchbooks made just for WW Chicago. The Catwoman image shown here is just a taste of that, as it is one of the new prints and the centerfold image for the sketchbooks Randy did only for this show. The prints will be running a mere $5.00 a piece, so it is very much within reach of the economically-minded fan. Make sure to stop by his table a say hello. Perhaps you might even be fortunate enough to get a sketch from him, too. But if you can't make the show, don't forget about the new art from Randy which just came in. Many of the pin ups are still available to purchase.
This summer has been quite a busy one for your blogmaster. So much so, that I totally spaced it and forget to mention the arrival of the Fire and Brimstone Vol. 1 TPB, featuring the collected mini-series by our own Richard Moore, which went on sale last week from Antarctic Press. If you missed out on the mini-series in single issue format, make sure to pick it up now. It should be available at all finer comic and bookstore establishments right now!
That's it for now, gang. I hope to be back soon, with even more news and maybe a surprise or two, as I continue to work on things behind-the-scenes. In the meantime, don't forget to cast your vote in our ongoing poll to the left. Until later, peace out!
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