Hello again, my faithful ones. Your not-so-humble blogmaster is back to give you more info and tidbits on the happenings at Sequential Treasures!
Well, the 2010 convention season is about to start full swing and we here have been gearing up for our first show of the year. Next week is the Emerald City ComiCon in Seattle, which is the largest show in the Pacific Northwest (as well as one of the most highly-respected shows anywhere). Sequential Treasures will be there in full force, along with a few of our talented artists. Not only that, but they will each be packing convention exclusive items with them.
One of the artists in attendance, who is also one of our newest additions, will be Ben Hansen. Ben isn't as well-known as some of our other talent, but what he lacks in notoriety, he more than makes up for with passion and artistic enthusiasm. He has a special con exclusive print (shown here), which is based from the cover to issue three of Battle Amongst The Stars, that he is doing for Bluewater Comics. Pretty spiffy, huh? If you will be at the show, make sure to stop by his tables (which are A-18 through 20, as he is sitting with the group known affectionately as The Sketch Crew) and pick one up for yourself.
That's all for now, but there will be more very soon. for the next week, I'll be putting up updates which will showcase the con exclusives from our artists at the show, as we countdown the Emerald City showtime. So, make sure to keep checking back here for all the news. We're going to make this show the most exciting one yet! Peace out!
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