And we're back again, my faithful ones, with more news and info on the artistic talents to be found at Sequential Treasures.
Today, it's all about Randy "Rantz" Kintz! In all finer comic shops tomorrow, is Drone #4 from Red5 Comics. This is the concluding chapter to the mini-series, about a group of young hackers, who find themselves caught up in a web of warfare and danger, when they take control of a government fighting machine known as a "drone." The mini-series, as well as randy, has been getting some very nice reviews, including this one, from SciFi Pulse.Net:
"I like the art by Randy Kintz, particularly when the hackers Mark, David, and Phil are looking through the eyes of the robots." - Wayne Hall
Just be looking for the cover image shown here at your local comic dealer. Don't miss out on the final chapter of this well-received series.
And if your local shop happens to be the Comic Evolution in Puyallup, WA, then please make sure to stop in there on April 3rd, as Randy Kintz, along with fellow artists Clayton Crain and Jason Metcalf, will be on had for an in-store signing session. The event runs from 4 pm to 7pm (PST). Randy will be doing sketches and the like. And even your humble blogmaster will be there, with plenty of original comic art by Randy Kintz (including plenty of his work on Drone). If you have the chance, stop in and join us. A good time is sure to be had by all.
That's all for now, I'll be back with more news for you shortly. Until then, peace out!
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