Hello again, my art loving aficionados! Once more, I return with tidings of some of the exclusive swag to be found from the artistically talented minds of Sequential Treasures at the Emerald City ComiCon. This time around, we put the focus on Randy "Rantz" Kintz!
As most of you know, I've probably worked harder to promote Randy's art, than any other currently in our stables. And he still continues to grow his artistic prowess. This is shown in his new Emerald City exclusive print of "The Sexy Librarian." This great new piece (which the original art of is shown here) is one Randy, not only created especially for this show, but based from an actual live model. Even more, she will also be accompanying Randy to the show. So, make sure to stop by Sequential Treasures own table (Table A-04, for those who don't already know), as you'll not only get to meet Randy and your humble blogmaster, but the beautiful babe of Randy's awesome exclusive print (which is limited to only 50 copies). Randy will also be doing sketches, as well (to see his price rates, just head over here).
That's all for now. I'll try to get off one more post before showtime. Until then, peace out!
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